Holy Communion

Holy COmmunion Banner With a Rosary and Bible


In the hand or by Intinction The Holy Mother Church has established guidelines for the reception of Holy Communion under both species, i.e. Bread and Wine.  From the General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM):
Holy Communion may be distributed by intinction in the following manner: the communicant approaches the priest or extraordinary minister.  The Priest, or extraordinary minister, takes the host, intincts the particle in the chalice and showing it says, "the Body and Blood of Christ."  The communicant responds with "Amen", and receives the Sacrament on the tongue.

Here at Blessed Trinity, we do not offer Communion under both species, we only offer the bread, not the precious blood we have the option of receiving in the hand or in the mouth.  If your hands are placed before you, one over the other, it is assumed you wish to receive in your hand.  If not, then Communion will be given on the tongue.

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